Ellie Alexander

Design Director

Blue green gradient circle

Hi, I’m Ellie, design director at Out & About. I work closely with clients to help define and refine their brands to align with their overarching goals. I love helping them discover their potential for brand growth through the power of design. At Out & About, our team has the expertise and understanding to identify what is unique and interesting about our clients’ business and leverage those assets to take them to the next level.

My career has given me the opportunity to work, hone, and evaluate design for brands of every size at every stage. That journey included traditional ad agencies, in-house branding for large and mid-size companies, and boutique marketing firms. Yet joining Out & About is one of the most exceptional experiences, with the team and leadership being a true reflection of our personality and mission.

Beyond work, my husband and I enjoy showing our two young children the marvels of Minneapolis and Midwestern life. In the summer, we grow a vegetable garden and tend to our chickens. In the winter, I wield my power tools to satisfy my love of home improvement projects. 

Question 1, type it here and under collection settings.
Question 2, type it here and under collection settings.
Question 3, type it here and under collection settings.
Question 4, type it here and under collection settings.