Sammie Nygren
Project Coordinator

Hi, I’m Sammie, a project coordinator with Out & About, helping ensure tasks and projects flow seamlessly. I love turning creative concepts into impactful projects and creating welcoming and memorable client experiences. I’m also passionate about learning about the technical side of digital marketing, from wireframes to implementation, so it’s a joy to work with Out & About’s creative team.
A Seattle native who ventured to sunny California, I earned my degree in business administration from the University of San Diego. During that time, my customer service background in the restaurant industry served me well as a marketing coordinator at a luxury lifestyle magazine. That experience allowed me to develop my skills in public relations, social media, time management, and organization — all of which have been invaluable in my current role.
I appreciate Out & About’s blend of warmth and professionalism, guided by an authentic leadership team. I’m thrilled to be part of a company that actively cultivates its culture and lives by its values every day.
When I’m not keeping projects on track, you’ll find me doing pilates, exploring new foods and cultures, or getting (joyfully) distracted by adorable dogs.