Why Your Financial Services Firm Needs to Partner with a Marketing Agency

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Why Your Financial Services Firm Needs to Partner with a Marketing AgencyC-01

When your financial services firm is trying to scale, there’s a lot on your plate, including retaining clients, hiring staff, and restructuring workflows. Marketing is likely not at the top of your list, or in your skill set, although it is an essential part of attracting new leads. This drives firms to question whether it is in their best interest to outsource their marketing or build an internal department. Partnering with a marketing firm that specializes in financial services is a fantastic move that saves time, resources, and energy, leaving you to focus on what you do best. 

What a Marketing Agency Can Do For a Financial Services Firm

Financial services firms have talented staff. These employees can help people manage investments, understand insurance policies, and supervise payrolls. However, knowing things like how to optimize blogs for search engine results and conduct A/B testing is part of a specialized skill set. Here are a few reasons why it’s beneficial to outsource your marketing needs:

  • Marketing professionals provide knowledge and expertise.
  • Agencies have a wide network of experts and contractors.
  • Agency staff have years of experience to know what does and doesn’t work. 

Marketing professionals provide knowledge and expertise

There are many misconceptions about what encapsulates marketing. Marketing is more than renting billboard space and airing commercials. The job of a marketer is to attract individuals from a targeted audience and walk them through the lead funnel. Retargeting efforts, pay-per-click advertising, and email campaigns are only some of the tools a marketing professional has at their disposal, and partnering with a marketing agency will allow your firm to use them—and others—to their full potential.

Agencies have a wide network of experts and contractors

Just as a financial services firm has experts in each subfield, the same applies to marketing. At an agency, it’s easy to find experts in SEO or copywriting, because there are staff members who exclusively do it every day. If you hire a single person to do your marketing, they will have a little knowledge of several marketing tactics, but a marketing firm has a team of experts. Should a marketing agency not have an expert in a specific area, they will have an experienced subcontractor who can step in and lend their knowledge.

Agency staff have years of experience to know what does and doesn’t work

A final reason to reach out to a marketing firm is that the employees have years of combined experience through many financial services campaigns. They’ve worked with similar firms, so they are familiar with industry trends and have seen success with similar target audiences. Instead of gathering data by yourself, contact someone who has done it before and can use that experience to tailor campaigns for you.

Finding the Right Agency For You

Finding a good marketing agency is easy, but finding the right agency for you can take a few tries. 

  • Don’t settle for a cookie-cutter strategy. Make sure your plan is tailored to your business and your needs.
  • Ensure you agree on what success looks like. Communicate your priorities, whether it is growth on social media, page views, or conversions, and how that links back to your business goals.
  • Keep an eye out to make sure you find a passionate group that fits in your company culture. These people should be invested in your success as an extension of your team. 
  • Find an agency that will push back on your ideas to create the strongest plan possible. You might want to have your name on a blimp, but is that the best move for your company? Honest yet kind marketers will help you avoid shiny object syndrome and deliver effective campaigns.

Have You Considered Out & About Communications?

If you’ve made it this far, you likely are interested in what a marketing agency can do for you. Out & About Communications specializes in creating strategies that are customized to your marketing goals by experts in advertising compliance. Out & About is more than a marketing agency; we aim to become part of the team with all our clients. If you’re interested, check out this blog post about what it’s like to partner with Out & About. If you’re not quite ready to reach out, here are two other articles about what to look for when hiring a marketing agency and what you need before working with a marketing team

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